World Champion

Here is my Chiropractic Blog-

Friday, November 8, 2013


I'm loving the volume work, so I am slowly adding intensity.
Strict press, power clean the weight- 50kx7, 60x7, 70x7, 80x5
Front squat- wanted to go heavier but need to find a better way to hold the weight on my shoulders.  i was using straps rapped around the bar, but it kept slipping off the heavier i went.- 50x5, 90x5, 120x5, 150x3-slip
Box squats- 50x7, 90x7, 120x7, 150x5
Hack squats- 70x10
800lb. chain drag- 4x40steps
Standing weighted abs super-set with tricep pushdowns 5x8-10

Slowly working my way up in squats..  Its a long off season...  First game in March..

Kill it,
Irish Celt

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