Stone Mtn. Highland Games were this past weekend in Ga. this game is always special to me because in 1993 while attending Chiropractic College I learned about the games, met Larry Satchwell and he taught me to throw.
After a hard fought battle with new commer to the Masters (40 yo) Kerry Overfelt (still an elite pro) I ended the day 2nd overall. We each won 3 events and he edged me out of the light hammer by 5"...
I won the Caber, Sheaf and Weight over the bar.
Next game is my closest games of the year, Meadow HG in Fredricksburg, Va.
Change is in the air...
Since my last game Sept.24 i have been hitting conditioning really hard.. Went from 313 to 301 in no time, took and inch off my waist and am losing bodyfat! My goal is to get in excellent cardio shape to start off the season next yr.
Yes, I am going to do another year. I already have an invite to compete in Germany for the European Masters Championship!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
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