Off season training is going very well. Im down to 289 from 313. Target weight for next season is 280. Im training 6 days/week. 4 lifting days and 5 conditioning workouts. First game is scheduled for Feb. 4 in Sarasota Fl. I got invited to compete in Germany in May 2012, of course I accepted! I may also do a game in Austria while there.
I am also taking some time to enjoy Family and the Holidays!!
Enjoy your Holidays, and keep up with your training!!
2012 Schedule will be up soon..
Kill It,
Irish Celt
World Champion
Here is my Chiropractic Blog-
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Beach HG/ Season over!

Beach HG were a HUGE success. The guys talked me into competing, I had a Light Hammer year best of 122' 4". John Collins pulled out the win in the open, Todd Bryant in the LW, Tim Stallings in the masters and Heather McKenzie in the woman's division!!
The season is over and time to plan next year and get some quality training in and family time!!
Kevin Rogers who is in charge of the Masters World Championships comprised a ranking base of all Masters World Championships from 2001-2011. He took all 796 athletic performances over the decade and put out a top 10 performance list.
I was honored when I saw that I had posted the BEST athletic performance in a World Championship last year in Colorado.. So #1 on the ranking list!!
HOORAH... Still plenty of work to do to keep ahead of gravity, if you know what I mean!!
I have already a list of games for next year including an invite to Germany to compete in a huge Masters game in May, just happens to be my Birthday weekend!!
Till next time'
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Friday, October 28, 2011
Meadow (Richmond) HG
This weekend brings me to the old Richmond games, which is now called Meadow HG. This is a great end of season games. It usually brings out some great Athletes, and this weekend will be no different. I will be competing in the pro division.
I will feel like I am in Scotland tomorrow as the temperature will be in the mid 40s and rainy...
Next weekend Nov. 5th will be the 3rd annual Beach HG in Currituck, sponsored by the Outcast Gym, NY Pizza Pub, Tar Heel II and Biorhythm supplements.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
I will feel like I am in Scotland tomorrow as the temperature will be in the mid 40s and rainy...
Next weekend Nov. 5th will be the 3rd annual Beach HG in Currituck, sponsored by the Outcast Gym, NY Pizza Pub, Tar Heel II and Biorhythm supplements.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Celtic Classic HG

We were showcased as the Legends of the games, The Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, Pa. This is were the Pro class holds the USA National Championships the same days.
This game is the biggest game on the East Coast with 200,000+ coming threw the gates over the weekend... Love the North East!!
I have to say I had a bit of jitters and my throwing was mediocre, however I turned a big Caber and took 4th in the Challenge Caber with the Pro's.
A huge Thanks to Paul Ferency and Steve Pulcinella for getting me in!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Monday, October 17, 2011
Stone Mtn. HG/ Change is in the air

Stone Mtn. Highland Games were this past weekend in Ga. this game is always special to me because in 1993 while attending Chiropractic College I learned about the games, met Larry Satchwell and he taught me to throw.
After a hard fought battle with new commer to the Masters (40 yo) Kerry Overfelt (still an elite pro) I ended the day 2nd overall. We each won 3 events and he edged me out of the light hammer by 5"...
I won the Caber, Sheaf and Weight over the bar.
Next game is my closest games of the year, Meadow HG in Fredricksburg, Va.
Change is in the air...
Since my last game Sept.24 i have been hitting conditioning really hard.. Went from 313 to 301 in no time, took and inch off my waist and am losing bodyfat! My goal is to get in excellent cardio shape to start off the season next yr.
Yes, I am going to do another year. I already have an invite to compete in Germany for the European Masters Championship!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I put together a great game this past weekend to pull out my best first place finish of the season. The competition was World class and everyone was throwing hard in front of the 20, 000+ spectators! I had another shot at the WR in sheaf missing 38' barely! Got back Monday, hit the gym Tues., work today, then tomorrow im on my way to Bethlehem, Pa. for the Celtic Classic. Celtic is another huge games which is the Pro National Championships and they will showcase us, The Legends. We will throw over the 2 days in between the Pro's.
More to come...
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hew Hampshire HG
Here I am in the beautiful Mountains of New Hampshire. Friday, 11:20am and 41 degrees. Today is the start of the Pro Masters games and the open Pro World Championships. We start off with the light hammer. We will finish up tomm. with the rest of the events. The Masters is a very tough group of international throwers.
I will update as the weekend progresses!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
I will update as the weekend progresses!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
No.1 Belgium
Had a great games in Belgium winning the Masters and 3rd place in the Open. There were 15 competitors and the festival was awesome.
I won the Caber with a perfect 12 and had a personal record of 15’ 6” in the 56# weight over bar. I got an invite to Germany next may for the Masters Championships!
Next games will be 3 weeks, Pro Masters in New Hampshire… The season is hitting full swing with some very big games coming up!!
A HUGE thank you to all my sponsors;
Bio Rhythm
Standard Process
Shiek Belts
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Monday, August 22, 2011
Scotland first 2 games
The field at Crieff
Me, Sabastian Wenta- #1 Poland, Ali Gunn- 4x world champ, back in the day, Lucas Wenta-#2 Poland, Murray Gunn, Rusty Price- USA #3. Helmsdale games!
One must understand the Highland games circuit in Scotland to grasp how intense it is over here! We have a host Hotel, The Northern Hotel in Aberdeen this is our base camp. You basically leave here for a games which is any where from 1-4 hrs. away, compete all day and turn around and drive back. Indulge yourself into some high calorie, not always nutrient rich foods to sustain you! Get back to Hotel, sleep, get up, high calorie breakfast and do it again!!
That was basically my first 2 games here. Im holding my own, throwing decent, no prs yet!! Im expecting to hit a groove toward the end of the circuit!
Yesterday was the Scottish Championships held in the town of Crieff. This is the biggest games in Scotland and 5 out of the 9 are going to the World championships. Now mind you, this is all ONE class- The Heavies!! The best in the World... I am honored and privileged to be on the field with them!! Im turning some really big Cabers here!!
Next game Thursday in Oban, another 4 hr. drive. Leave for Belgium on Friday 6am!!! Compete there Sunday for the Belgium Open Championships, then back to Scotland for 2 more games!!
I'll update again..
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ready for Scotland
I leave for Scotland wed. and start a series of competitions through out Scotland and one in Belgium. I have been in Ireland for 2 1/2 weeks with family. I've been getting some great lifting in with my partner Sharon. I located a stone that me and my boys laid down on the side of the road 3 years ago, believe it, they were still there... I was freaked out. I still have the stone and threw today with it.
I snatched 120k fairly easy last week and maintaining a 500# squat easy.
Ireland has been awesome and tomorrow I lift with the Irish National team in the town of Bray, just south of Dublin. Just a light tune up!!
Hope all is well in the States!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Friday, July 29, 2011
Europe Tour 11'

Final preparations are done and my 6 week tour begins tonight as I travel to Ireland, Belgium and Scotland to do 8 games. After a couple weeks training in Ireland I will do games in Scotland and 1 in Belgium. Most games are very prestigious games and will offer the best Athletes in the World!! One of the games is called the Braemar games and is held in front of the Queen of England. Who ever wins the Caber toss will meet her!!
I am blessed and thankful for all my friends and family that support me!!
I will be keeping regular updates as long as I can get on line!!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update on the Grandfather Mtn. games... Saturday Pro division I placed 6 out of 9 and won the Caber event.
Sunday masters I placed 3rd and won the Caber event again. Also had 3 try's at a new World Record in the Sheaf at 38' 5".
Overall I was satisfied with my results considering we had some of the best Pro's in the Country out!
I've been working on some technique issues and preparing for my month long visit to Scotland and Belgium. I will be doing around 7-8 games over there!!
Stay tuned for more exciting posts from the motherland!!!!!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
Friday, July 8, 2011
Grandfather Mtn. HG
Here I am at the Mountain, 6000 ft.!! Big comp. this weekend, Pro on Saturday and Masters on Sunday. Its called the Ironman and let me tell you it is. Two FULL games is brutal. Usually if its multiple day events, you will do a couple events each day. I will do 7 events both days!!
Right now its raining and a cool 70+ degrees. Tomorrow is calling for high 70's and 40% chance of rain and Sunday even better.
I'll try to update tomorrow after the hot tub and ice bath!!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
Right now its raining and a cool 70+ degrees. Tomorrow is calling for high 70's and 40% chance of rain and Sunday even better.
I'll try to update tomorrow after the hot tub and ice bath!!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
Monday, June 27, 2011
Round Hill HG
This weekend brings me to Norwalk, CT for a PRO games. This is going to be an awesome game with some of the best Pro's in the country. I'm in good shape and looking to do well with the Caber and Hammers!
The following weekend will be a 2 day games at Grandfather Mtn., NC. I'll keep you all posted!
Kill it,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Iceland HG
Words can not describe the beauty and splendor of the Icelandic countryside. I posted some pix on my facebook.
The competition was great however Petur, the host and my rival had to pull out due to injury. Friday was Heavy Hammer and I won with a throw of 98'+, which was only 3' off my best. That night after dinner we drove 2.5 hrs and hiked about 1 mile up to visit the falls. Got back at 1:30am and it was still light- it stays light 24hrs/day till July!!
Sat. was light weight which I won with 70'+ , Open stone which I placed second with 41'+, then Caber which I won with 3- 12's. Another excursion to a BBQ which was a 2 hr. ride through the mountains. BBQ consisted of Whale meat, Potatoes and Lamb. I have to say, Whale meat was delicious... Then it was off to lift stones and to the farthest west and highest point in all of Europe. Another 1/2 mile hike- but well worth the calories!!!
Sunday was our last event with the weight over bar, which I won with a height of 18'. The weight sat up on the bar at 19' and rolled back!!
1st place overall in the end!!
Again, great times, great comp. and beautiful country!!!
Thanks again to my sponsors;
Bio Rhythm
Shiek belts and
Standard Process
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Final prep- Iceland

Not sure how internet service will be so ill post if I can!
I am feeling really good and in good shape for this game!
Thanks everyone for their support, especially my sponsors, Bio-Rhythm, Standard process and Shiek belts!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
2 more games added

This is the San Antonio games and my 36' sheaf toss. The standards didn't go any higher!
Last week I got the invite to the Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, Pa. Sept. 24-25. This is the largest games in North America. It is also the open Pro National Championships. This year they are show casing the "Legends"- Masters.
There will only be 5 events for us over 2 days, but the competition will be World Class!
The next day I got an invite back to Belguim to compete in the Belgium Masters Championship! I along with 5x World Champ Ryan Vierra will be the ones to represent USA! These games will take place Aug. 27!!!
I am truly honored to be called up and compete on this level!!
Thanks again to all my sponsors, Thier supplements keep me going!! Bio-Rhythm, Standard Process and Shiek Belts!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Monday, May 2, 2011
Another hard fought victory!

I had another hard fought victory this past weekend to retain my title at the Southern Maryland HG. It was an epic battle between me and 3 other guys. I ended up 4 golds, 1 silver and 2 bronze to take the overall!
Now I prepare for Iceland HG in 5 weeks!!!
Special thanks to my sponsors, Bio-rhythm, Standard Process and Schiek Belts!!!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Southern Maryland Celtic fest.
This weekend I travel to Leonardtown, MD for the Southern MD Highland Games and Celtic fest First off this is a really cool festival with ALL things Celtic, they even have Rugby games going all day!
This will be a huge challenge for me. Some World class Masters throwers will be on hand to de-throne me! Big Steve Pulcinella, whom in 6 or so battles I have never beat! Gerard "The Mutant White Rhino" Benderoth. He is by far the thickest human alive at 5'10" and 380 lbs. Then there is the youngest Master to join the ranks- Mike Dickens, as well as 12 other guys!!
If anyone is in the DC area, this is a must see!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
This will be a huge challenge for me. Some World class Masters throwers will be on hand to de-throne me! Big Steve Pulcinella, whom in 6 or so battles I have never beat! Gerard "The Mutant White Rhino" Benderoth. He is by far the thickest human alive at 5'10" and 380 lbs. Then there is the youngest Master to join the ranks- Mike Dickens, as well as 12 other guys!!
If anyone is in the DC area, this is a must see!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Hard fought win
Repeat in San Antonio! I won Athlete of the day winning 5- 1st place, 1- 2nd and 1-3rd. It was a little different this year being the favorite. That places an enormous amount of pressure that im not used to. Don't get me wrong, I perform well under pressure of the games, crowd, etc. But never being favorite with such a great field of Athletes!
Needless to say they were gunning for me, and I produced!!!
Next game will be Southern Maryland (4 wks) where the field of Athletes will be even better!!!
My friend Steve whom I have been competing against since the early 90s will be there. I have never beaten Steve (usually beats me by 1 pt.) I will be gunning for him this time!!
If anyone reading is near Leonardtown, MD come on out and watch the battle of the Titans!! April 30.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Needless to say they were gunning for me, and I produced!!!
Next game will be Southern Maryland (4 wks) where the field of Athletes will be even better!!!
My friend Steve whom I have been competing against since the early 90s will be there. I have never beaten Steve (usually beats me by 1 pt.) I will be gunning for him this time!!
If anyone reading is near Leonardtown, MD come on out and watch the battle of the Titans!! April 30.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Monday, March 14, 2011
Charity event success

The 1st annual Celtic festival was a huge success raising over $2000 for Children's charity. There was about 10 guys who competed in Highland games and Strongman events. Even I did the press relay. My throwing was about where it needs to be this time of year. With 3 weeks to my season opener it was good to knock some rust off!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Friday, March 11, 2011
Giving back...
Tommorrow I head to Greenville, NC to meet up with pro Eric Frasure. He is getting together a Charity event to raise money for the Shriners Club to help kids. It will consist of a Highland Games/ Strongman demo.
Just another way to give back... You only get what you give!
3 weeks to San Antone for my season opener!!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Just another way to give back... You only get what you give!
3 weeks to San Antone for my season opener!!!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Next phase of Training

I began my next phase of training yesterday. The next 5 weeks will have an emphasis on throwing and light lifting. My weekly schedule will now become, day 1- throw, lift. Day 2- lift, Day 3- throw.
My season opener is in 5 weeks- San Antonio, Texas.
Body is responding good, throwing is starting to feel good.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Sunday, February 13, 2011
New Sponsor
I would like to welcome Standard Process Whole Food supplements as a new sponsor! Check them out on the web You will need to have a Physician get these products. Of course you can get them from me!
Thank you to the Standard Process family!
Check out my other sponsors on the web also, BioRhythm training supplements and Schiek belts/workout gear.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Thank you to the Standard Process family!
Check out my other sponsors on the web also, BioRhythm training supplements and Schiek belts/workout gear.
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Friday, January 28, 2011
9 Weeks to San Antonio
Training is going good and in 9 weeks I will be in Sunny San Antonio, Texas to defend my title from last year! Ed Cosner the meet director is bringing in some ringers. It will be one of the biggest Masters meet this year!
In a few weeks I will shift my training to 40-40-20, 40% Throwing, 40% Lifting and 20% conditioning. Right now i'm about 20-60-20, respectively.
The energy at the gym has been fantastic, with the addition to some good friends!
Thanks everyone for their support, especially my sponsors,
BioRhythm supplements and Schiek belts!
Deepest regards to the loss of a Fitness pioneer, Jack LaLanne... RIP!
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Monday, January 17, 2011
Exercise of the month
This is something new im trying. If you all like it I will continue with different exercises (or requests for exercises). There is no commentary to this one, but in the future there will be.
The Glute Ham raise- one of the most effective ways to work the Gluteus muscles (butt) and hamstrings.
Set the foot pads so the inside of your thighs are touching. Turn your feet out. Think of yourself as a scissors lift that will stretch out and be pulled back. Do NOT bend at the waist and come up, that is a back extension. Extend out and pull back with the glutes and hamstrings.
For beginners, have a partner stand out in front so you can hold on and push off if needed.
Have fun, and get those buns of steel.
Kill it,
The Glute Ham raise- one of the most effective ways to work the Gluteus muscles (butt) and hamstrings.
Set the foot pads so the inside of your thighs are touching. Turn your feet out. Think of yourself as a scissors lift that will stretch out and be pulled back. Do NOT bend at the waist and come up, that is a back extension. Extend out and pull back with the glutes and hamstrings.
For beginners, have a partner stand out in front so you can hold on and push off if needed.
Have fun, and get those buns of steel.
Kill it,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Pre- Season/2011 Schedule
Today started my pre season which will consist of an emphasis on throwing. It really felt good to get out and throw! Probably be a little sore tommorrow.
Here is my 2011 schedule. Hope some of you can come out!
April 2- San Antonio Highland Games, Tx- Masters
April 30- Southern Md. HG, Md- Masters
May 14- Gatlinburg HG, Tn.- PRO
May 21- Maryville HG, Tn.- PRO
June 4- Iceland HG, Iceland- Masters
June 25- Ohio HG, OH- PRO
July 9-10 Grandfather Mtn. HG, NC- Pro and Masters
July 23-24 IHGF Masters 40+ World Championships, Belgium- Masters
July 30- Halkirk HG, Scotland- PRO
Sept. 3- Virginia HG, Va- PRO
Sept. 17- Loon Mtn HG, NH- Masters
Oct. 15- Stone Mtn. HG, Ga.- Masters
Kill It,
Irish Celt
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year
OK, its a New Year, what are you going to do to make it your best ever Physically, Spirtually and Mentally!?
My Off- Season training is coming to an end. I achieved my goals; 605lb. rear squat, 300lb. strict press, 270lb. Snatch, loss bodyfat while maintaining weight and got into good physical shape!
Pre- Season training starts Jan. 8 and will last 12 weeks up to my first game April 2 in San Antonio, Tx.
I'll be posting my schedule for this year and hope some can come out and watch!
Kill it,
Irish Celt
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